Jesus’ time has not yet come, and His Mother asks Him to help friends because they ran out of wine at their wedding in Canna. He told His Mother in a curt response, “Woman, why do you involve me?” He continues, “My hour has not yet come.” Mom tells the servants to “Do whatever He tells you.”
The servants filled six water jugs containing 25 to 30 gallons. Jesus did not touch, wink, or say anything; he just then told the servants to take a sample to the Master of the Banquet, who tasted it and proclaimed that it was perfect.
I have several thoughts on this. My first thought was that Jesus was converting his hot, stale water from wells to fine wine, while the disciples were sucking down nasty warm water (not really). I’m sure I would have tested the wine converted from water to be sure it was drinkable. I am guessing that this was Jesus' first shot at making wine from water. Do you suppose He made more later in His Ministry?
Oh, and notice that this 30-year-old Jewish boy obeyed His Mother and made the wine. Therefore, I ask the Blessed Mother to hear my prayers and take them to Jesus for me. We assume that Jesus always did what His Mother asked Him to do (unlike my history with my own dear, departed Mom).
Did you catch that in most cases, people asked Jesus for His Help because they had FAITH that HE could help them? The two times that I recall from the Gospels that Jesus was not able to perform any miracles were in His hometown because everyone knew Him as the carpenter or “Mary’s son.” This is remarkably interesting because, at that time, Jesus would have been referred to as Joseph’s son. It was disrespectful to label him as Mary’s son. The second time was the Gospel, where the man possessed by “legions of demons” was cured, but the townspeople asked Jesus to leave after he sent the demons into the town's swine flock, and they jumped off a ledge and died in the sea.
In today’s culture, it is not unusual to find many people who do not believe that Jesus Christ can and is still working miracles to this day. So few of us say “Thank You” on a daily basis for the roof over our heads, the bed we slept in, the bathroom (!!!!), the food we eat, the car we drive, the job we hold, and the family we have. Oh, did I mention our health? Even if you are extremely ill, you have yet another day to make amends to those who love you.
I have a lady who I know who is comfortable taking potshots at me or my wife because of our Catholic Faith. And then, when her cat (for example) is lost, who does she call for prayers?
I have another friend who was like my brother a few years ago. We sailed the Great Lakes and even raced the Annual Ft. Lauderdale to Key West Classic sailboat race through the edge of a hurricane. I love this guy, and we still see each other. When I tell him I am praying for him, he says, “Thanks,” and hangs up. He is a fallen-away Catholic, raised in the faith as a young lad. I believe he fears becoming faithful as it will change his lifestyle. There is no time for God in his “me” agendas. How about you?
Are you thankful for your life? Almost every adult in America is responsible for their place in life. Most of our parents did not make us go into the company business (farming or shopkeeper), and we could choose our path. How I wish I had made wiser changes in my carefree youth, and I’m guessing you feel the same way.
But here we are. I have become comfortable being called to stand before a congregation and tell the stories of The Men of the Sacred Hearts. I chase down friends from Mass or on the golf course and ask them to consider Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Some say yes, and some say no. It is an invitation, and I do not judge those who say no. I say “no” to many invitations to attend events that I’m just not excited about. It is not a judgment on the event; it is that I can only do so much at my age before I begin to make mistakes.
So, back to the question “How about you?” Would Jesus be happy with your behavior and the way you evangelize? Remember, even Jesus could not evangelize in his hometown and family. I’m guessing He will not hold that against you. But if your neighbor or friend is making noises about what happens at Mass, invite the person to Mass. Your co-worker is asking pointed questions about why you worship Blessed Mother, you can answer that we have not, and will not worship Her, but yes give HONOR to Mary as she is the Mother of God. See, you can evangelize with just the smallest seed. Like the mustard seed, it will grow. Just taking the time to talk to a friend or even a stranger can be a way to evangelize, especially if that person is a lonely senior citizen. If you are shy, this is a good way to stretch out and ask how a person can make a good salad or sauce from tomatoes. You could be a master chief, but you're not teaching, you are opening a door for a conversation. Try it. It’s fun.
Last comment: It is 2024, and the election cycle is warming up. I am at peace and am not angry because I do not listen to the news. No news is going to change my mind about abortion or our southern border. Try it. Just turn it off and, as the man said, be happy.
- David Tay
(I’m making a new effort every day to be the person Jesus wants me to be.)